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Bassetlaw Conversations Residents and Tenants Survey
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The data collected in this form will only be used for the purpose for which it is intended and only for the length of the process of this application or the Council’s retention policy. The data may be shared with third parties such as the Police or the County Council. For more information view
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I confirm I have read the above statement to the customer and they agree to the terms and conditions
Throughout this survey we ask you to think about 'your local area. When answering, please consider your local area to be the area within 15-20 minutes walking distance from your home.
Q1. Overall, how satisfield or dissatisfied are you with your local area as a place to live?
{Please select}
Very satisfield
Fairly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Fairly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Don't know
Your local area receives services from Bassetlaw District Council. Bassetlaw District Council is responsible for a range of services such as refuse collection, street cleaning and planning.
Q2. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the way Bassetlaw District Council runs things?
{Please select}
Very satisfield
Fairly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Fairly dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
Don't know
Q3. Overall, how well informed do you think Bassetlaw District Council keeps residents about the services and benefits it provides?
{Please select}
Very well informed
Fairly well informed
Not very well informed
Not well informed at all
Don't know
Q4. What would you like to change in your local area? (please limit this to a short sentence)
Q5. Do you have any other comments (positive or negative) about Bassetlaw District Council or the District in general? (please limit this to a short sentence)
Please provide the area you live in, event and date. This will help us analyse comments.
Area you live in
Date Completed
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