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Application for Building Regulations (Full Plans or Building Notice)
The Building Act 1984, The Building Safety Act 2022 & The Building Regulations 2010 (As Amended)
This form is to be used when intending to carry out building work and making an application for a Building Notice under regulation 12(2)(a) or Building Control Approval with Full Plans under regulation 12(2)(b). The form should be completed by the person intending to carry out the building work or their Principal Designer and must be signed.
Please ensure that all fields on this form are completed, forms with incomplete information may not be processed. Please read carefully notes and guidance below.
If you need any assistance in completing this form please contact the office on the number above. Answerphone service when our Offices are closed.
Notes and Guidance
1. Submission options
You may choose to use either ‘Full Plans’ or ‘Building Notice’ option. However, the ‘Building Notice’ option cannot be used where:
A. the building is or contains a ‘workplace’ under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 which includes offices, shops, factories and hotels. With these types of buildings consultation with the fire authority is required.
B. the building work is over a public sewer.
Full plans submission - It is the agent’s duty to inform the applicant of their inspection charge liability and the full name and address of the applicant must be supplied for invoicing purposes.
2. The Party Wall etc Act 1996
- If your proposals involve works to, or near to, a party wall or boundary, The Party Wall etc Act 1996 may apply to you. Details are available on line at www.communities.gov.uk/publications/planningandbuilding/partywall.
Whilst any personal information provided by you on this form will be treated in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 it may be used by the Council for data sharing, detection and prevention of fraud.
Data Protection Privacy Notice
The data collected in this form is used only for its intended purpose, or in pursuance of any other legitimate interest held by the Council, and is held in accordance with the Council’s retention policy. Your personal information may also be processed to facilitate the provision of services in respect of any of the Council's activities or for the prevention and detection of crime and fraud. Under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016 & Data Protection Act 2018, Bassetlaw District Council is the Data Controller for the information you have given us. For more information, visit
our website.
I confirm I have read the above statement and privacy notice and agree to the terms and conditions
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Client / Applicant Details
Principal Designer / Principal Contractor Details
Building Details
Fire Safety
Drainage and Water Supply
Planning Consent
Regulation 46A
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